
I have always said I’m nothing if not an opinion. I’m always commenting on everything in my path. ‘That looks good, or that looks bad, that was fun, or they are too slow,’ etc, etc.

I am also a large woman. So, my opinions are a little skewed toward that viewpoint. Still, I like to try to look good and feel good, even if I can’t always BE good! I don’t believe you should postpone living until you are skinny enough, or pretty enough, or you have the right job, or the right man, blah blah blah. The time is now!

I decided to start this blog to share my many, many opinions about fashion, jewelry, travel, and all sorts of other stuff I either love or don’t. I hope it entertains and amuses you, because that is the intent. (Well, actually, it’s meant to entertain me, as is pretty much everything I do).


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